Posts Tagged ‘Will Manley’


Sequestered nooks everywhere you look

April 17, 2012

Last week I was speedy enough to catch the installation of our wall words with my camera.  Not that I needed to be speedy; the task was as tedious as expected.  Measuring and positioning, then holding and affixing, all while onlookers were holding their collective breath in the hopes that it would be straight when finished was no small feat.   Kudos to Greg and Jeff for their diligence and willingness to listen to jokes about spelling and questions from the worried library director (that would be me) about whether or not we could reposition things if a second try was needed.  (The answer?  No do-overs possible.)

"Hey, if there's a misspelling, do you think anybody will notice?"

Installation complete!  I’m happy to report that it’s positioned perfectly on the wall, absolutely level, spelled correctly, and…well…simply stunning.

Thank you Greg and Jeff!

So why did we choose this quote from Longfellow?

The love of learning, the sequestered nooks, and all the sweet serenity of books.

Well, because it reminds us about the importance libraries as a place.  In this digital age, I think we are wise to remember the role libraries play as a public place for people who want to settle themselves into a sequestered nook and read, think, and learn.   Recently there was an interesting discussion about just that at Will Manley’s blog which you can find here.  (If you read the comments, you’ll see I made a comment about our library.)   Will Manley is one of my favorite librarians.  He actually started his career in Burlington, Wisconsin, spent many years in the profession and eventually became the city manager in Tempe, Arizona before his retirement.   Irreverent yet thoughtful, if you want to learn about libraries and life, his blog is well worth reading.

Back to the point.  We’ve got more wall words coming.   Stay tuned to see which nooks and crannies will be next.